The Desk : BIRTHDAY WISHES… Sir ji…The Devanga Samaj

The Desk : BIRTHDAY WISHES… Sir ji…The Devanga Samaj


AP State Samaj convey heartfelt returns on the eve of Birthday occassion of our beloved legend personality, the visionary of Devanga Development, Man behind Unity of Devanga Community in this decade, Speaker, Orator, Dynamic Leader & The Staunch disciple of Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dayanandha Puri Swsmyji & The National President, All India Devanga, Devangan, Kostha, Kosthi Federation more particularly My Mentor Guru Sri Arun Warode Ji.Sirji, We all wish you radiant health, jubilant wealth & fulfill all your dreams, desires & complete your all endeavours sir.Highest regardsTutika Srinivasa Viswanadh, PRO, AIDDKKF, 7675924666