The Desk News:Sub Editor:Telangana Hyderabad HYDRAA DRF teams intercepted tipper lorries indiscriminately dumping soil in lakes at Bandlaguda and PetBasheerabad police station limits.
In the first case, DRF teams intercepted four tipper lorries for dumping soil in Undasagar lake under Bandlaguda police station limits on Monday night.
A JCB used for dumping the soil into the lake and leveling it was recovered from the spot and handed it to Bandlaguda police. Cases were also registered against those responsible.
At PetBasheerabad, the DRF teams intercepted a tipper lorry for dumping soil in Devulapalli (Summer Kunta) lake and handed it to the PetBasheerbad police.
“HYDRAA placed a special emphasis on those who unlawfully dump soil and domestic debris in lakes and public locations,” said Commisioner HYDRAA AV Ranganath.